Monday, December 27, 2010

More Christmas Time Fun ~ Homey Style

I hope you all have recovered from your Christmas Cheer!

 Then we had the lovely Holiday of Boxing Day yesterday, and don't forget, there are assorted other Holidays down the pike. Plus, I'll remind you of those freeloading quasi-holiday's that have been adopted by the MSM and other grifters looking for more free handouts and excuses to drink more mad dog.  I prefer a nice pinot grigio, beaujolaise, or brut champagne, myself.

In the spirit of that subject, I got to thinking, what might a real bad Santa from the hood be doing?  He's probably counting all the cash he bamboozled, and he'd be having a big laugh about how he fooled people into thinking he was someone else and somewhere else. But you, astute reader,  know the truth, where and who he really is......So...
I won't have to spell it out for you!  Instead, I'll bring you the secret hidden video on how
Homey D. Clown spent Christmas Eve, before the stores closed and he got out of
town to bring more "cheer" to the masses ;-)  I know it's a bit long, but worth it!

Wasn't that fun?  That was a great show!  A young Jim Carrey, and other assorted hilarity.

Now you can get back to the week long celebrations left until the end of this year,
which I will be very happy to see GO.  It means we are that much closer to 2012!
Stay warm and I hope you weren't in the blizzard zone.  It was a sight to behold.
I thought we had it bad here, but the East Coast really got socked.  Stay inside.
H/T for the idea of this interlude to Glenn Beck and his great post and funny comments
on "The Blaze".
I just couldn't help myself!


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