Friday, March 2, 2012

Words Fail on the Great Loss of Andrew Breitbart

I was out yesterday when I read of
the horribly shocking passing of
Andrew Breitbart.  At first I thought it was a
hoax, it was just to awful to think of.

Heaven has another Warrior Angel, standing alongside St. Michael, protecting America.
Just as Andrew did in life.  He was a fierce warrior for exposing those who would destroy our Great Country.  There is a HUGE void that his untimely death has left.

You can do a YouTube Search with Andrew's name and come up with many great videos.
I put his STELLAR speech from CPAC 2012 on my right Sidebar.

Here is a beautiful compilation of his wisdom from Accuracy in Media.
             RIP: Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
"Accuracy in Media was saddened this morning to learn that a true champion for grassroots journalism had so suddenly passed away. We at AIM will always remember him as a man who fearlessly stood up for liberty, truth and honest media. Accuracy in Media believes that his efforts will not end with his passing, but will only inspire a legion of new citizen journalists and watchdogs bent on exposing corruption and media falsehoods."

I feel especially sad for Andrew's wife and four beautiful children.  I pray, and I hope you send your prayers too, so that they will be comforted in this horribly sad time.  R.I.P. Andrew, we will never forget all you have done for America, and we know there is a special place in Heaven for you.  God called you home because he needed another warrior in the fight to protect America from the evil demons that are hell bent on destroying her.

I hope the autopsy results are honest and can be relied on, because even though he had heart problems, I find the timing of his passing pretty suspicious, especially 
in light of what he disclosed in his CPAC speech.

Look what I just found at great Blogger, Adrienne's Place.
She also is a genius, and GMTA, because I see she also selected the
same Memorial Video to pay tribute to our hero.

I can't wait until Andrew's latest is released.  What a beautiful, final legacy it will be.

Use it while you have it!


Can't state any Facts Nowdays!

Can't state any Facts Nowdays!

Worth Checking Out!

Kitteh Luvs Bunni

Kitteh Luvs Bunni

Defending America against lamestream nuts

Defending America against lamestream nuts
Click My Pal for Breitbart's Site!

Oh Yeah!

Oh Yeah!
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Jedi Kittehs!




Silly Squirrel

Silly Squirrel

Too Cute for Words

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