Some Zen Moments w/ Foamy
Here is our friend, Foamy the Squirrel, talking about Zen, Specifically, Western Zen.
A little Saturday Night Laugh (Language alert!). I hope you're relishing the weekend.
I'm sorry I haven't been commenting around and writing as much lately. When things
improve a bit, and I get caught up on what I must do around here, I'll be back to
my prolific pithy self. Thanks for your continuing prayers and encouragement.
I kind of feel like this little Cutie!
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Hey Bunni, whatever is going on, I'm glad you are taking time to "not worry about blogs" because "we should not worry about blogs." They are only blogs, although most of us treat them like our children. Thanks for the great laughs I always find here, and even better, and bountiful Obummer-bashing. You do it all so well. Keep your chin up friend.
Hi Maggie! Thanks so much for the kind words. Yes, we do tend to worry about our blogs, and treat them like children, esp. when we don't have any children. That is a good perspective. I'm happy I make you laugh, and of course, bashing obummer is a fav hobby of mine, whether I"m blogging or not.
I'm striving to adjust to my new situation and trusting God it will all turn out well and for the best.
Thanks for your friendship. O:-)
OK - the zen video is hilarious!!! ...and true!!
Have a nice weekend!
Lazy Kitteh played by Odie .... :-P
Hi Adrienne! Glad you had a laugh.
I hope your weekend is great too!
Hi Odie, It's nice to be lazy once & awhile, helps to
recharge the batteries.
Foamy the Squirrel is way too stressed out, that can't be good for his tiny squirrel heart.
Hi, Bunni,
Foamy is bang on the money with that rant, (as usual), and Lazy Kitteh is just far too cute for words - I want him, too! :-D
Must keep lazy kitteh. That is my kind of cat!
Prayers for you, hon. Being out of work is hard in these times. And getting resolution will take a lot of time, I would think.
Gotta love Foamy! Still a 'dog person' here but will take that kitten any day for sure, and GO U.S. MENS HOCKEY TEAM TODAY!
big hugs to you, Bunni! My situation isn't great, and I just keep telling myself that it's part of God's plan. He loves us.
thanks bunni, I am a cat lover so that kitty was prrrfect for me.
I love Foamy, thanks for that.
As for you, taking some time for yourself is good for the soul. I know a bit about that. Be cool.
I'm getting better at it all the time. Although, shoveling snow and cleaning ovens isn't what I had in mind for my bachelor weekend. Oh well .... :-P
That kitty is hilarious! I'm sure you can come up with more fun activities for your
bachelor weekend, Odie! How about doing all the cleaning and shoveling whilst
drinking some beer, that always helps motivate me. :*
That is really good. Thanks Bunni. Hope all goes well!
I hope you had a good weekend, Bunni. I'm thinking of you...
Was referred by Adrienne .... the Zen piece is hilarious!! You're so funni! Nice to meet 'cha!
Hi Abbey! Nice to meet you too, thanks for the kind words.
Hi Opie, I'm doing ok, the weekend was nice, but cold.
Enjoying the olympics and chillin. Thanks for thinking of me.
Hi Matt, Thanks for the well wishes, things are going ok so far, kind of.
Hi SB: Thanks for your encouraging words. It does help to lay low and unplug and attend to decluttering, both
physically, and mentally. I am taking your advice and adjusting to nice calm atmosphere. :-D
Hi Di. I'm glad you loved the adorable kitty, they always make me smile :)
Hi Opus! Thanks for your prayers, much appreciated and needed.
It is very complicated and would take years. I'm starting to adjust to the calmness,
and I feel better for that. 8-)
Hi Freakster, you're so right! I am try ing to de-stress as much as possible too.
When your family health history is related to that, it makes sense to step back
and try to relax. =-O Great video up there. Someone is getting no catnip for causing
that mishap.
Fuzzy, I'm sorry to hear you have a not so great situation too, I'm sending
big huggs your way too. That it's God's plan & he loves us is
keeping me very encouraged. Thanks for the great encouragement.
Hey Chris. I always had dog's too, but I am loving these cats more and more.
That Hockey Game was 1 for the ages. That we won Silver is no small thing!
I really enjoyed that. Happy MOnday.
Bunni, Things are going to continue to get better for you. Soon this(whatever it is) will all be a memory.
I Triple Guarantee It !!!
That first vid is funny. Oddly it reminded me of the fact that everytime I see a commercial wiht a laptop in it, there is some woman in a semi-yoga position trying to balance a hot as hell laptop on her lap while she pokes away at the keyboard as if every keystroke brings nirvanna.
I'd rather go rattlesnake hunting than try to use a computer like this.
The 2nd vid reminds me of some of my cats.
Hi Bunni, keep your chin up as they say; that Foamy vid is priceless :-D , the liberal intellegensia never change, your side of the pond or mine.
35 seconds of you tube gold" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="140
I love animals, Freakster, but I must say this one DID NOT amuse me,
it is just gross! I found myself going "ewwwwww" a lot! WARNING! >:o
Kid! Thanks for the encouragement! I can feel hopeful with all the 3 x better guarantees!
I appreciate it. I don't like laptops, and would never get one.
The little lazy kitty is just too adorable, you are lucky to
have such sweet cats. :*
Hi Banned, thanks for the Pep talk, Chin is up.
Foamy is always good for a smile.
The libs never do change, they are all alike, stupid, smug basterds.
I hope you are having a nice week.
I bet Odie would love posting it ha ha ha.
Or Maybe obummer could adopt his as his new pet and "special friend" ;)
Cheerio Bunni!! I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. That was such a cute kitten!!
Hi Teresa, Thanks for that, hon, you are in mine as well!
Kittens can cheer up everything. :)
You mean to tell me you weren't even a teeny tiny bit amused?
maybe a teeennnyyyy bit, I'm laughing now thinking about it ;)
Just popping in to see how you're doing, dear Bunni. Hope all's well, here's a hug and a prayer for you :)
Hi Fuzzy! I'm fine, I just put my trust in God. Thanks SO MUCH for your hugs and
Prayers! I am sending many right back to you. O:-)
What a laid back kitty!
Always On Watch
HI AOW! The kitty knows how to have fun and relax.
Thanks for visiting ;)
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